Gabi asked me what I do.
Good question. I call myself a 'digital filmmaker'.
I do however have dueling passions/obesessions with photography and music.
My goal is to make images that inspire and disturb.
Images that move.
I also found myself throat-deep in the whole performance poetry scene.
It takes a lot out of you though.
Plus, I get bored reciting the same 5 or 6 pieces over and over and over...
and then it feels like the people who have grown used to your "good stuff"
won't appreciate the new experimental stuff...
But my degree is in film and media arts with an interdisciplinary concentration in new media. I'm still in the kitchen. I rarely make it to the dining room. I'm steadily building my arsenal of material. I've got some stooooooories in me. Some stories!
Speaking of material, I used to want to be a stand-up comic...but then I met some other guys who were all about stand-up comedy, and they made me SICK because they didn't know how to turn it off. And then for some reason, I was afraid that people would perceive me that way too, so I toned it down...and even now I've had people acuse me of being "superficial".
I have a few experimental shorts on my website.
Check them all out! I love watching my own stuff. It's true. There's one called "Drown" that I did a few years ago, and it still gets me every time. In fact, I think I'm going to go watch my stuff now.
And finally...Some may say that I'm paranoid about sharing my ideas with people. That's not so. I'm paranoid about putting my stuff online for the world to see. I'm trying to be patient. Some things, I don't even want to talk about...so I won't post the scene for Refuting Darwin just yet, at least not until it's a little more developed.
I'm going to focus on a web series soon, so that way being online is what the scenes are FOR.
I'm also writing a book of poems and "fragments" and photographs and artwork....
And then I'm also writing an industry book, that I hope will sell.
I just got the idea for it recently, and it's something for actors, and judging from my own past acting experience, the idea (the one I'm being so vague about), definitely answers a demand.
After being a comic, I wanted to be an actor. Then I was called to filmmaking, and I kind of let the acting go. Now I feel like too much of a fat lard to get in front of the camera, but I know it's inevitable. Just give me about 6 weeks with a serious workout plan, and I'll feel much better.
Speaking of which!!
If you want to watch a video of me playing the guitar and acting crazy....and SINGING....
check out this link:
Happy Gabi???
oh, and the song is "Crossroads" Bone Thugs-n-Harmony